Hi, I’m Tanya,

Life and Leadership Coach.

I’m that woman in a coffee shop who randomly smiles at you because I believe in spreading kindness.

But don’t be fooled. I’ve succeeded in many hard-hitting roles in my career. I know what it takes to stay in the game.

You can imagine the intense environment I worked in as a Policy Analyst in the newly formed Department of Homeland Security right after 9/11/2001. . . . 

. . . And just picture the pressure of working on Change Management, and Learning and Development projects with private and government clients . . . because no one likes change!

It can be so hard to create personal change or to bring widespread cultural changes to an organization.

If you’re a professional or organization that wants to do things differently . . . I’ve got your back.

“Tanya is a refreshingly enlightening Coach that asks powerful and relevant questions. They STICK WITH YOU and become part of what makes your routine, week, and life better. . . She has helped me become clearer on my goals and on my approach to achieving them.”

~ Tamarah, Inventor & Entrepreneur

So many of my life experiences have brought me right to this moment, with you.

As a first-generation daughter of immigrants, I was born to be adaptable and embrace change. My parents instilled their core values in us, including positivity and integrity (both of which I am proud to bring to my work).

It was important to them that we know and remember where we came from, and what made us who we are. My family is exceptionally close-knit - yet despite our close relationship, I resisted speaking Arabic when I was young. As the daughter of immigrants, I know a thing or two about the stress of hiding who you are to fit in!

That’s one of the reasons it is so important to me that everyone has a place to fit in, personally and professionally.

After a smashingly successful barista career in my youth, I earned my BA in Government and International Politics.

Simultaneously during college, I attended several retreats that anchored me into the support and spiritual connection that comes with intentional growth. 

I then fine-tuned the focus of my work with a Master’s in International Commerce and Policy.

I loved traveling internationally for work—from South Sudan and Kenya to Lebanon, Jordan, and Taiwan.

I was passionate about my consulting work in Learning and Development and Process Improvement. Passionate . . . and also burnt out. Things came to a halt as I tried to be all things to all people, while dealing with the personal grief of losing my Mom too early. Something had to give.

I had the facade of a happy life and was going through the motions while sacrificing my happiness trying to do everything well. After the loss of a job I loved, I had to reckon with the question (and maybe this question is a constant whisper in the back of your head, too):

What do *I* really want?

But it can be SO HARD to stop, slow down, and figure that out with intent.

As a mother, professional, and human being who loved yoga, dance, and joy, I knew I couldn’t stay down for long.

The resilience and optimism that my parents instilled in me kicked in, and I turned to the personal growth communities I loved. A life-changing retreat led me to begin my journey back home to myself, and I discovered my passion for coaching others.

I became a Certified Professional Life and Leadership Coach to help others stop waiting for that one thing that’s going to bring them joy someday . . . and to prioritize a life that brings them fulfillment today.

“Mindfulness and flow are never in competition with each other. They share the same foundation: making the choice to pay attention”

~Brené Brown, Rising Strong

Today, my husband and I make a point to take our kids on adventures to satisfy our travel bug and explore new cultures. We’re planning a future travel-centered lifestyle where I can coach from anywhere!

We work together and individually to design a life that allows us to experience the specialness of every day while fulfilling our ambitions and creating an energizing future!

I believe:

  • I believe that every person is significant.

  • I believe we are each here for a unique purpose, and our life journey is meant for us to uncover it.

  • I believe that connection is powered by delicious hot beverages.

  • And I believe we all deserve to take care of ourselves and each other.

We’re all on this crazy adventure called life, and I’m here to bring kindness and compassion to your journey.

“Tanya is a leader. A forward thinker. . . She's the type of person you want in your corner. She's also a female business owner and she's showing her girls how powerful that can be.” 

~ Nileah, Writer

Brief Bio

Tanya Jaklis coaches women at a crossroads who have been sacrificing themselves for someday, and no longer want to be on a roller coaster of stress and overwhelm. Using the proven Energy Leadership Coaching framework, Tanya supports her clients to lead from a place of presence so they can create a life that energizes and inspires them. Tanya is a mama to two girls, loves the outdoors, yoga, and traveling. She became a Certified Professional Life & Leadership Coach through the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching in 2020, and has been passionately helping leaders and organizations create environments where everyone thrives. Tanya believes that everyone has a right to joy, starting today.